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D-10 Animine Round Table before Zero Zinc Summit
Zero use of zinc in Europe pig production by 2022. What can we do?
European pig industry is facing a dilemma: how to keep the pigs free from diarrhea without using pharmacological zinc oxide? This question will be discussed at the Zero Zinc Summit in Copenhagen on 17-18 June 2019 (https://www.tilmeld.dk/zerozincsummit2019).
During the conference, we expect to see you at Animine booth n°13!
On Monday morning, June 17th, from 10h30 to 12h00, Animine will welcome you to a satellite Round Table. Three international experts in pig nutrition will testify about their experiences in Europe and Asia on how to reduce/eliminate pharmacological dosage of zinc oxide.

The venue will be the Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers.
Number of seats is limited, please contact sbourdeau@animine.eu for free registration.